Why is Linux more secure than other operating systems?

Why is Linux more secure than other operating systems? Operating systems need no introduction these days. They are the software that plays the role of a manager that handles all the hardware attached to a computer. In general, an operating system is comprised of several components such as a boot loader, the kernel, daemons, the desktop environment, and applications. Generally, an operating system is deployed in any system where there is a need for multi-tasking. Also, there is a need for interfaces that allow the user to interact with the system and its applications. Nowadays, an operating system is expected to appear with a GUI interface that allows the users to enjoy a best-in-class user experience while using the system. What is Linux? Linux is the free, open-source software operating system distribution that is built around the Linux kernel. Initially, it was developed for personal computers, which are now available in different versions for different types of users. Its popu...